Megaplex 2019

Another year at Megaplex has come and gone, and the post con depression is sinking in.

Lots of new faces this year, and a few old familiar faces this time around.  Can’t help but give my biggest of biggest shout outs to Neko, Lore, Genie for rooming with us. Fox and Taylor, huge shout outs to you all too for making those friendship bracelets and hanging out with us. You guys are the real MVPs

But this year was a little different. I took the Mrs. for her first furry con and trip to Orlando FL. And I think she had a blast. I even made us a set of matching Con badges. You can find those here if you haven’t seen them already.

The food at Megaplex was also really good. Lots of good cooking and meals to be had. 

But now that the con is in the rear view mirror, it’s time to change focus on other Projects. The newest Pokemon art pack is now the focus for projects. And it’s going to be a good one. This is the final art pack, so of course I’ve gotta go all out for this.

I’m really hoping for you all to get a decent amount of art and content for this pack, but we’ll see.

I’ve got my sights set on a few long term projects on the horizon. Maybe selling or vending at a local con or two. I’m always inspired by Neko’s success to try it out on my own. Maybe this is the year I actually buckle down and get my shit together. lol

Either way, this con was a lot of fun and I can’t thank everyone who made it a possibility, enough. Thank you all.


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