December Thoughts

It’s December! I always love this time of year. The snow’s always my favorite part.

I’m sure as you all know, Tumblr is taking a nose dive right about now. Everyone and their mother is jumping ship. It’s kinda sad to see the site in such a state. I remember getting my start on tumblr with the rest of the /5n@f/ boys out there. If you dig far enough on my Tumblr, you’ll even find the days where I did a few voice acting skits!

Anyways, the future is looking bright for me. Work is starting to settle a bit, and I’m finding more and more time to art. My schedule isn’t as chaotic, so that’ good.

It’s my first winter in my own apartment. And it’s cold. Like, wicked cold. I hd to attack plastic o all my windows because it’s so cold. And of course, most of my heaters dont work, but luckily I’ll have the land lord fix that in a little bit.

I have submitted an application to work for InkedFur, so hopefully you’ll be seeing my art work pop up in their galleries should I get accepted. I’m confident in my art skills that I’ll become accepted to their ranks. So maybe one day you’ll be able to see Stella on a nice little wall scroll or a fancy daki!

I’ve also since contracted Tyrone to make a neat little video advertising the Patreon. Please go check it out if you haven’t already. Kudos.

I think that’s all I have for now. Until next time, see ya!


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