New Standees! + Re-stock!

It’s that time of the year! Time for a standee restock!

This one went a lot smoother than last time! (I’m getting pretty good at formatting the files for the manufacturer!)

This time around I’ve got a re-stock of the Stella and Fay Spaniel standee’s.

Fay Spaniel on the left, and Stella on the right!

But I also put a NEW standee for sale! It’s one of “Princess May”!

For those not in the know, Princess May is actually my wife’s fursona! She designed it many many years ago when we were first dating. Probably around 2016-2017ish. How time flies!

Anyway, here’s the standee in all her glory. I really love the outfit and how plump she looks!

Thanks again everyone, kudos!

Until next time!

Con Prep

Hello world!

Exciting news: I’ve been accepted to sell at Anthro New England 2023! It’s a very exciting time, as this will be my first “solo” convention. So it’s a really big milestone as far as my art “career” goes. Hopefully it all goes well!

I’m planning on selling most, if not all, of the merch I offer at my Etsy shop. With a couple of new additions!

Currently I’m sketching away at some new stickers that should be ready by the convention. Namely some Krystal and Bunny Suit Pkmn girls. Here’s a sneak peek:

More to come soon!

Megaplex 2019

Another year at Megaplex has come and gone, and the post con depression is sinking in.

Lots of new faces this year, and a few old familiar faces this time around.  Can’t help but give my biggest of biggest shout outs to Neko, Lore, Genie for rooming with us. Fox and Taylor, huge shout outs to you all too for making those friendship bracelets and hanging out with us. You guys are the real MVPs

But this year was a little different. I took the Mrs. for her first furry con and trip to Orlando FL. And I think she had a blast. I even made us a set of matching Con badges. You can find those here if you haven’t seen them already.

The food at Megaplex was also really good. Lots of good cooking and meals to be had. 

But now that the con is in the rear view mirror, it’s time to change focus on other Projects. The newest Pokemon art pack is now the focus for projects. And it’s going to be a good one. This is the final art pack, so of course I’ve gotta go all out for this.

I’m really hoping for you all to get a decent amount of art and content for this pack, but we’ll see.

I’ve got my sights set on a few long term projects on the horizon. Maybe selling or vending at a local con or two. I’m always inspired by Neko’s success to try it out on my own. Maybe this is the year I actually buckle down and get my shit together. lol

Either way, this con was a lot of fun and I can’t thank everyone who made it a possibility, enough. Thank you all.


December Thoughts

It’s December! I always love this time of year. The snow’s always my favorite part.

I’m sure as you all know, Tumblr is taking a nose dive right about now. Everyone and their mother is jumping ship. It’s kinda sad to see the site in such a state. I remember getting my start on tumblr with the rest of the /5n@f/ boys out there. If you dig far enough on my Tumblr, you’ll even find the days where I did a few voice acting skits!

Anyways, the future is looking bright for me. Work is starting to settle a bit, and I’m finding more and more time to art. My schedule isn’t as chaotic, so that’ good.

It’s my first winter in my own apartment. And it’s cold. Like, wicked cold. I hd to attack plastic o all my windows because it’s so cold. And of course, most of my heaters dont work, but luckily I’ll have the land lord fix that in a little bit.

I have submitted an application to work for InkedFur, so hopefully you’ll be seeing my art work pop up in their galleries should I get accepted. I’m confident in my art skills that I’ll become accepted to their ranks. So maybe one day you’ll be able to see Stella on a nice little wall scroll or a fancy daki!

I’ve also since contracted Tyrone to make a neat little video advertising the Patreon. Please go check it out if you haven’t already. Kudos.

I think that’s all I have for now. Until next time, see ya!


Megaplex 2018!

Megaplex has come and gone!

Woah, what can I say? Where can I even begin?

It’s been one helluva trip. I met a lot of really cool people there.  Finally got a change to meet my right hand man NekoCrispy in person. (He’s just as much of a dweeb as you’d expect him to be!)

I had a chance to meet a few other cool cats there! Sam, Shelly, Dan and Josh, thanks for taking me to that bomb ass ramen place! And thanks for hanging out with us! You guys are the shit! I can’t wait to link up with you guys again!

Sold a few prints here and there at the con, but I might have overestimated the demand. I still have a lot of prints left! I’ll probably be giving those away to my Patrons. Stay tuned for details on that front.

Prepping for the convention!

Lots of new stuff coming up and coming out.

I’ve been hard at work these past few months with a few little side projects here and there. Lots of new art in the works. And I’m glad to give a little sneak peek!


I’ll be working with a few other artists in the community to bring out a sequel to my Pokemon Art pack. You can check it out in the store link above!

I’ve been practicing a few new poses and techniques for this time around, and I’ve been spending a lot of time trying to learn human anatomy and a more manga oriented style for drawing human characters. It’s really hard to un-teach myself old habits and niche’s from drawing exclusively anthro art all these years, but it’s going to be worth it!

On another note, I’m getting ready for the con by starting up some prints at home! I’ve bought some really nice glossy paper and some fresh in for this! I really hope you all like them!

I’ll be giving these out at the convention! We haven’t worked out the details yet, but long story short, I’ll be giving these out as an extra freebie if you purchase a certain amount of art from my tablemate NekoCrispy!

Check it out!

See ya!

Hiking adventure

It’s been a while since I’ve gone up a good hike. These past two weeks have been hell with temps in the high 90s, Ya boi Garuda has been suffering.

Luckily the weather cleared up for the weekend though! Perfect weather for a nice hike. We scaled Mount Graylock on one of the more moderate paths. It was an eye opening experience.

We were met with a lot of wooded trails, luckily the canopy overhead mostly kept us out of the sun. The tradeoff was the constant onslaught of mosquitoes. Even with our repellent, they were relentless.

The summit was beautiful, and worth the trek up. The air was a little thinner than I’d like, but it’s to be expected. I loved it. Cant wait to go back.

But the week has also been good for art!

On the off days where it wasn’t hotter than Satan’s asshole, I had a few good drawings sessions. Got some progress on some upcoming Starfox pics I’m working on for the con and a little bit of progress for a Twitter raffle I just did.

I’ve got a few pieces in the works and I’ve been delving more into drawing humans and anime characters. It’s been an uphill battle, but I’m persistent! A really tricky thing for me is trying to make the faces look ‘normal’.

Facial structure and anatomy has never really been my strong suit, but I’m trying! I’ve got a few anime/hentai art books by my side that really go into detail on construction and facial structure for a more stylized approach. So hopefully it will help!


That’s all I’ve got for now, guys.

Till next time, peace!